COFACE Families Europe
About our SID activities
COFACE activities to promote a safer internet include:
- Running campaigns to raise awareness of families, educators, ICT industries, and governments on the need for different measures to create a safer internet
- Facilitating meetings between COFACE members on safer internet, to help mutual capacity-building across countries
- Support research and evidence gathering on digitalisation and its impact on children and families
- Advocacy and shaping public policies at the EU and national level to support more child-friendly digital environments which are in line with the UNCRC and UNCRPD
- Developing education tools under its L.I.N.K. programme promoting education for social rights, with the first e-learning course on school bullying management (including cyberbullying).
What we are doing to create a better internet...
COFACE Families Europe acknowledges that it is only together that we can create a better internet. The responsibility of managing the digital transition cannot be borne by any single entity alone; policymakers, industry, and civil society have a shared responsibility. COFACE is taking this approach in connecting with key stakeholders to ensure that the burden is not left on families. Families are keen and ready to embrace the opportunities that digitalisation brings but need the right support. COFACE member organisations (civil society across 23 countries) work with schools, families, children, and youth to talk about safer internet from different perspectives: digital citizenship, child rights online, digital parenting, prevention and tackling child sexual abuse, and more.
About us
COFACE Families Europe is a network of civil society associations representing the interests of all families. COFACE Families Europe's work areas include social/family policy, education, disability, gender equality, migration, consumer issues, and the digital transition. Find out more at