Republic of Cameroon Safer Internet Day Committee - Cameroon Internet Governance Organisation

Last updated: 2020-12-08

About our SID activities

We are awaiting an update on this SID Committee's actions for Safer Internet Day 2022. In the meantime, please see information on its previous SID celebrations below, or contact the organisation direct using the links to the right...

For Safer Internet Day (SID) 2021, we shall move to the expansion phase of the Digital Club Project (DCP). Our long-term goal is to see the DCP engulf all schools in Cameroon. The focus this year will be on expansion and evaluating what the clubs created last year can offer in terms of small projects, peer education, presentations, and so on.

What we are doing to support the SID slogan of "Together for a better internet"…

In line with the slogan "Together for a better internet", we have decided to target youths because they constitute the majority of internet users in Cameroon's cyberspace. We believe that through the Digital Club Project, we can make Cameroon's cyber space better.

About us

Despite the advantages of the internet to society in general and Cameroonian youth in particular, and the role of digital technology in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, it presents many security challenges especially to young people. Young people are currently targeted online by predators due to their vulnerability and inexperience online. Many Cameroonian youths do not also know how to take advantage of the internet and how to use it to empower themselves; they rather spend more time on hate speech or viewing content that may not be appropriate for their ages. Cameroon Internet Organisation therefore launched the Digital Club Project last year during Safer Internet Day (SID) 2020. It is hoped that through this project some of the problems will be addressed.