TaC-Together against Cybercrime International

Last updated: 2024-02-13

About our SID activities

Since 2011, we have conceptualised and implemented awareness-raising activities related to online safety worldwide.

With our Youth IGF Movement, we are able to target more than 50,000 people around the world;
  • 35+ countries
  • Over 30,000 community members
  • 100+ activities worldwide per year

What we are doing to create a better internet…

With our Youth IGF Movement, we work to raise awareness of children and young people on online safety for a better internet in more than 35 countries.

About us

Our main task is to assist victims of online illegal activities, develop educational tools on online safety, conceptualise and implement the awareness-raising activities on cybersecurity for different stakeholder groups.
In 2008 we realised the need for civil society action in the fight against cybercrime. In January 2010, TaC International was born.
TaC – Together against Cybercrime International is a non-profit anti-cybercrime organisation born in France with its headquarter in Geneva. We are working internationally.

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