Safer Internet Centre Croatia

Last updated: 2024-01-22

About our SID activities

This year's Safer Internet Day is marked on February 6, 2024, under the slogan "Together for a Better Internet", with a special emphasis on responsible gaming. Thus, the special theme for Safer Internet Day in Croatia is: "Game Safely - Together for a Better Internet!". As part of this year's celebration of Safer Internet Day in Croatia, we are preparing online activities targeting the entire regional area and a special live event.

As part of the online celebration, we are preparing:

  • Workshop materials: We organise workshops on video games for different age groups- preschool, grades 1-4 elementary school, grades 5-8 elementary school, and grades 1-4 high school. These workshops are designed for educational professionals who can register to participate. Once registered, they can have access to workshops held with children. After the workshop, they conduct a pre-prepared activity evaluation and submit it to the Safer Internet Centre. Upon completion, they receive a certificate of participation.
  • Online quiz for children and youth: with valuable prizes – available throughout February 6, 2024.
  • Publication for parents and professionals: "Everything You Want and Need to Know About" Video Games" – available online and printed.
  • Two podcasts:  called "What Does This Year's Safer Internet Day Bring?" and "Risks in Video Games You Might Not Have Thought About".
  • CSI Q&A:  live stream on the official Instagram profile of the Safer Internet Centre, providing answers to previously collected questions from parents about video games. The live stream will be permanently saved and published on the official YouTube profile.
  • Live Event: In addition to written and video materials and various online activities, we will mark this day with a public forum entitled "Behind the Keyboard and Console: Be in Control", which will take place on Tuesday, 6 February 2024, in Osijek. In the introduction, we intend to engage with high school students about the positive and negative aspects of video games.

What we are doing to create a better internet: 

In our daily work with children and through various preventive activities in schools across Croatia, we've observed that children playing video games are of significant interest to the youth, who dedicate a substantial amount of their free time to gaming. There seems to be a gap in parental understanding regarding video games, including their benefits and drawbacks, their role in setting boundaries, the different types of video games, and how to determine if a particular game suits children. Our public forum aims to address this gap by educating professionals and parents. We intend to raise awareness about the attitudes of children and youth towards video games and provide a deeper insight into the various ways this theme influences their lives.

About us

The Croatian Safer Internet Centre (SIC) promotes a safer and better use of the internet and mobile technologies among children and young people. The increase in child abuse, as well as the development of new forms of abuse, is closely linked to the advancement of technological communication. As the most popular means of communication and information, the Internet has become a part of children's and young people's daily lives. Unfortunately, frequently exposed to inappropriate content.
In Croatia, the internet is a space without an established mechanism for content control. The responsibility for monitoring online activities falls on children and young people, with parents playing a crucial role in overseeing their internet usage.

Therefore, we have decided to offer assistance to children and young people, parents, teachers, state institutions, and all those involved in the activities of our Safer Internet Center. Our methods focus on raising awareness, providing information, and education.

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Martina Nikolić

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